Congratulations on deciding to learn more about one of the best fan clubs on the internet, The Risembool Rangers! Our club was founded in April of 2005 by four women as a way to share their enjoyment for the voice acting of Vic Mignogna. Membership remains free for all who join.
Over the years, the club grew and grew and began to encompass thousands of fans.Today, there are over 20 thousand members from around the globe, and spanning multiple platforms.
Members have access to select features and online communities specifically created to safely unite our fandom and appreciation for not only Vic Mignogna and his various movie or music properties, but also other general interests like the latest anime, music and movie interests, and an optional opportunity to share in open faith discussions without fear of judgment.
To Join our Official Facebook Group, Click Here
You must be 13 or older to join our Facebook group and 18 to join the Discord
Becoming a member of the fanclub doesn't gaurentee you closer access to Vic, but you're sure to meet many new people who share interests like yours. However, if you meet Vic at a convention and mention you're a Ranger, you will 100% make his day.
In more recent years, The Risembool Rangers have been accused of being a cult. The Senior Moderation team ("Mod Squad") wishes to assure all parents and fans that we are no such entity despite the sensational allegations some select indivudals may choose to fabricate. At the end of the day, we are merely a fanclub. However, we strive to maintain a safe space for all Rangers to express themselves without fear of judgement, teasing, or bullying. So in all of our communities we seek to maintain an admin/moderated structure which will enforce a PG safe environment to the best of our abilities. This includes restrictions on language and questionable content as well as member conduct observation to restrict any inappropriate behavior, harassment, or cyberbullying.
"You come for Vic, you stay for The Rangers."